Recipe category: Cocktails
cocktails literally means "cocktail". the origin of this name lies in america, where it was customary to serve a drink in honour of the winner "on the cock's tail" after the cock heads. cocktails are short drinks, i.e. they usually contain a maximum of 8cl of liquid. they consist of spirits, liqueurs, southern, sweet or dessert wines, fruits and fruit juices and are served ice-cold.
Recipes of the category "Cocktails"
There are 530 recipes in the category Cocktails. Show »
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- Aperitifs (44)
- Caipirinhas (43)
- Cocktails (530)
- Coladas (34)
- Digestifs (11)
- Fancy drinks (171)
- Flips, Egg Nogs (12)
- Highballs (32)
- Hot drinks (32)
- Lemonades (3)
- Liqueurs (1)
- Long drinks (340)
- Martinis (42)
- Milkshakes (39)
- Non-alcoholic (334)
- Punches (9)
- Shooter (94)
- Smoothies (22)
- Sours, Fizzes, Collins (105)
- Sparkling Wine Cocktails (67)
- Tea cocktails (5)
- Tropical Drinks (123)