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- Szarlotka - Polish Apple Pie Long drinksIngredients: 5 cl Bison Grass Vodka, 12 cl unfiltered Apple Juice
- English Garden CocktailsIngredients: 5 cl Gin, 2.5 cl Elderflower Liqueur, St. Germain, 7.5 cl Apple Juice, 1 cl Lemon Juice
- Pornstar Martini MartinisIngredients: 6 cl Vodka, 1.5 cl Vanilla Syrup, 1.5 cl Lime Juice (fresh), 2 pc(s). Passion Fruit
- Limoncello Sour Sours, Fizzes, CollinsIngredients: 3 cl Gin, 3 cl Limoncello, 3 cl Lemon Juice, 1 cl Sugar Syrup, 1 Egg White
- Yellow Bird Fancy drinksIngredients: 2 cl Vanilla liqueur, Galliano Vanille, 4 cl Rum (brown), Havana Club Añejo 3 Años, 2 cl Creme De Banana, 6 cl Pineapple Juice, 6 cl Orange Juice
- Lavender Margarita CocktailsIngredients: 60 ml Tequila (silver), 15 ml Lavender Syrup, 15 ml Orangenlikör, Cointreau, 15 ml (optional) Agave Syrup
- Heidel Libre Long drinksIngredients: 40 ml Rum (brown), Havana Club Añejo Especial, 20 ml Lemon Juice, 160 ml To fill Cola
- Cuban Sunset Long drinksIngredients: 3 pc(s). Lemon, 2 BS Powdered Sugar, 4 cl Rum (brown), Havana Club Añejo 7 Años, 16 cl Cola, 1 dash Strawberry Liqueur
- Sour Power CocktailsIngredients: 2 cl Vodka, 2 cl Gin, 4 cl Lemon Juice, 2 cl Maraschino, 1 cl Grenadine
- Spanish Blood CocktailsIngredients: 8 cl Cherry Juice, 8 cl Pineapple Juice, 2 cl Grenadine, 2 cl Lemon Juice, 3 cl Vanilla liqueur, Licor 43
- Cocoloco ColadasIngredients: 3 cl Rum (weiss), Havana Club, 2 cl Coconut Syrup, 2 cl Cream, 6 cl Pineapple Juice, 4 cl Orange Juice, 6 cl Passion Fruit Juice
- D's Fresh Drink Non-alcoholicIngredients: 4 cl Orange Juice, 4 cl Lemon Juice, 1 cl Sugar Syrup, 1 cl Grenadine, Monin, 8 cl Tonic Water
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