Which cocktail recipes can I mix with the ingredient Cinnamon Liqueur?

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Recipes with Cinnamon Liqueur

Found 2 recipes that contain the ingredient Cinnamon Liqueur:

  • Snowflake   Hot drinks
    Ingredients: 120 ml 3,5% Milk, 20 g White Chocolate, 1/4 tsp. Vanilla Extract, 30 ml Vanillelikör, Licor 43, 5 ml Cinnamon Liqueur, 50 ml Cold, for whipping Cream, 10 ml Cream, Milk Foam, Cinnamon Sticks
  • Red Hot   Shooter   
    Ingredients: 2 cl Zimtlikör, Goldschläger Goldschlager, 2 cl Kräuterlikör, Jägermeister
    1 - 2 of 2