Recipes similar to "Mexican Hot Chocolate"

The list below contains recipes that are very similar to the recipe Mexican Hot Chocolate. A recipe is considered similar if different properties match.

  • Mexican Hot Chocolate   Hot drinks   
    Ingredients: 170 ml Milk, 1 tsp. Sugar (white), 0.5 tsp. Cocoa Powder, 1 MSp. Cinnamon, 1 MSp. Vanilla Extract, 1 pinch Chili Powder, 1 pinch Cayenne Pepper, 1 pinch Salt, 15 g Chocolate (plain)

One recipe found, that is similar to "Mexican Hot Chocolate":

  • Pumpkin Smoothie   Smoothies
    Ingredients: 120 g Pumpkin Puree, 1 Banana, 240 ml Almond Milk, 3 Date, 1/2 tsp. Powder Vanilla, 1/2 tsp. Cinnamon, 1 pinch Nutmeg, 1 pinch Powder Ginger, 1 pinch Powder Cloves
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