Recipes similar to "Strawberry Margarita"

The list below contains recipes that are very similar to the recipe Strawberry Margarita. A recipe is considered similar if different properties match.

  • Strawberry Margarita   Cocktails   
    Ingredients: 4 cl Tequila (silver), 2 cl Orangenlikör, Cointreau, 1 cl Lemon Juice, 1 cl Strawberry Syrup, 3 cl Strawberry Juice

15 recipes found, that are similar to "Strawberry Margarita":

  • Tequila Pink   Tropical Drinks   
    Ingredients: 3 cl Tequila (silver), 1 cl Rum (brown), 1 cl Orangenlikör, Cointreau, 3 cl Grenadine, 8 cl Orange Juice, 3 cl Lemon Juice
  • Mexican Sunset   Cocktails   
    Ingredients: 2 cl Orangenlikör, Cointreau, 2 cl Tequila (silver), 1 cl Lemon Juice, 3 cl Orange Juice, 1 cl Almond Syrup, 1 cl Grenadine
  • Pink Victoria   Fancy drinks   
    Ingredients: 3 cl Vanilla liqueur, Licor 43, 2 cl Rum (white), 1 cl Strawberry Syrup, 1 cl Coconut Syrup, 1 cl Lemon Juice, 12 cl Strawberry Juice
  • Caribbean Malibu   Fancy drinks   
    Ingredients: 3 cl Tequila (silver), 3 cl Coconut Liqueur, Malibu, 3 cl Strawberry Syrup, 2 cl Lemon Juice, 8 cl Orange Juice, 16 cl Passion Fruit Juice
  • Strawberry Colada #4   Fancy drinks   
    Ingredients: 6 cl Pineapple Juice, 2 cl Strawberry Syrup, 4 cl Coconut Syrup, 6 cl Rum (weiss), Bacardi, 2 cl Lemon Juice
  • Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri #3   Cocktails   
    Ingredients: 4 cl Rum (white), 5-6 Strawberry, 3 cl Strawberry Syrup, 2 cl Sugar Syrup, 1-2 cl Lemon Juice
  • Green Mandarin   Fancy drinks
    Ingredients: 4 cl Tequila (silver), 2 cl Blue Curaçao, 13 cl Tangerine Juice, 2 cl Lemon Juice, 2 cl Cranberry Syrup
  • Black Death   Long drinks   
    Ingredients: 4 cl Blue Curaçao, 4 cl Tequila (silver), 2 cl Grenadine, 4 cl Lemon Juice, 8 cl Orange Juice
  • Cherry Blossom   Aperitifs   
    Ingredients: 2 cl Cognac, 2 cl Cherry Liqueur, 1 cl Orangenlikör, Cointreau, 1 cl Lemon Juice, A few drops Grenadine
  • Fire on Ice   Long drinks   
    Ingredients: 3 cl Orangenlikör, Cointreau, 2 cl Rum (brown), 2 cl Lemon Juice, 8 cl Orange Juice, 1 cl Grenadine
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