All recipes

Sex on the Beach #4with cherry, orange and pineapple juice
Sex on the Beach #5with currant juice
Sex on the Beach #6with passion fruit juice
Sex on the Beach #7with cranberry and orange juice
Sex on the Beach #8with cranberry, orange, pineapple juice
Sex on the Beach #9with orange and pineapple juice
Sex on the Beach à la NatchaWith strawberry syrup
Sex on the GrassWith melon liqueur
Sex with a Bitchwith vodka and blue curaçao
Shake TwoGin drink
ShakeratoAperitif with Campari
Shanghai ExpressLong drink with Kwai Feh
Shirley TempleVery refreshing
Shirley Temple #2refreshing
Shirley Temple #3Sparkling long drink
ShockShooter with Malibu and Kahlua
Shot tequila silverClassic!
ShrekDrink with woodruff syrup
Side ByCocktail with whiskey and peach juice
Side CarCognac, Cointreau ...
SiestaWith grapefruit juice
Silk Stockingcreamy, sweet
Silver JubileeCocktail with banana liqueur
Silver Rum FizzRum drink
SimFraDrink with cherry liqueur
Simply RedWith Bols Red Orange
Simply Red #2With Malibu
Singapore Slinga classic with Cherry Heering
Singapore Sling #2With cherry liqueur
Singapore Sling #3Gin cocktail
Singapore Sling ClassicClassic!
Skinny BitchDrink with vodka
Skinny Bitch #2Wodka Drink
Skittles ShootersMit Southern Comfort
SkiwasserMit Wodka
Sky BoatDrink with Drambuie
Sloe Gin FizzFizz with sloe gin
Sloe KissDrink with Sloe Gin
Slow Screw up against the wallMit Vanillelikör
Snappy kickerVery fruity
Snow Ballwith eggnog
Snow colaWith Batida De Coco
Snow FoxCocktail with Southern Comfort
Snow Whitewith almond and coconut syrup
SnowcoladaColada with coconut and cinnamon
SnowflakeWith Licor 43
SoCo Amaretto Lime ShotMit Southern Comfort
SoCo BombWith Southern Comfort
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